Welcome to the Bach Friend’s page. We have a growing number of Bach Friends who enable us to present our annual programme of work and now that life is beginning to get back to some kind of normal, Bach Friends also support the annual autumn Bachfest that restarts in the autumn 2023.
We invite you to come and join us.
To download the leaflet, view the range of donor support we are offering and the benefits. Click here to access our brochure
We shall be announcing our forward plans shortly.
Bachfest Returns to the public platform after Covid on Friday 3 November 2023 at 7.00pm.
Bach Friends
- Help us to bring top quality artists to our platform and promote excellence in performance
- Help us to present top quality cultural education programmes and create new opportunities
- Help us to sustain the work of the London Bach Society all year round and serve the community
- Help us to build new audiences and inspire our supporters today
Leipzig Friends £1,000 +
Cöthen Friends £500-£999
Weimar Friends £250-£499
Eisenach Friends £100 – £249
Friends £50 – £99
Young Bach Friends (18-30) £20
All Bach Friends will receive or have access to
- Advance Notices, brochures and booking forms for all events
- Copies of the LBS Journal “Bach Notes” and bi-monthly e-Bach Notes
- Opportunities to become a volunteer buy ambien cheap during Bachfest, attend special receptions or open rehearsals (special events, notified as and when)
To join Bach Friends
- Call 01883 717372 and have either your credit or debit card handy – A Gift Aid Oral Declaration can be made at the same time OR
- Complete a Standing Order Form, Gift Aid Declaration and Data Protection Consent Form to send to us by email as an attachment (jpg,pdf) or by post to the address below OR
- Send a cheque payable to London Bach Society with a signed Gift Aid declaration (only send us a Gift Aid Declaration if you are a UK tax payer) to the postal address below OR
- Join online, having chosen the amount of your donation from the choices above, click on the Donate button below then send us a signed Gift Aid donation by email as an attachment (pdf, jpg) or to the postal address below.
- Our Email address is lbs@lonbachsoc.co.uk (cut & paste)
All donations from Bach Friends are acknowledged.
Standing Order Click here
Gift Aid Declaration – Multiple Donations Click here
Gift Aid Declaration – Single Donations Click here
Postal Address LBS, 73 High Street, Old Oxted, Surrey RH8 9LN
Email Address lbs@lonbachsoc.co.uk (cut & paste)
Online payment facility
Please note that we no longer support an integrated membership. The main means of support is by Bach Friends, as detailed above.